Season 6 of the Online Seminar Series Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization

Tentative Program

October 2, 2023

Prof Mike Baiocchi, Stanford University, USA

Title: Outcome Reasoning: the under-discussed engine powering black box development

Link to talk:


October 9, 2023


Caroline Spieckermann, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany

Title: A Graph Neural Network-based Reduce-then-Optimize Heuristic for the Fixed-Charge Transportation Problem

Miaolan Xie, Cornell University, USA

Title: Reliable Adaptive Stochastic Optimization with High Probability Guarantees

Quan Zhou, Imperial College London, UK

Title: Frontier Challenges in AI: The case of algorithmic bias in forecasting tools

Link to talk:


October 23, 2023

Prof Daniel Kuhn, EPFL, Switzerland
Title: Metrizing Fairness
Link to talk:


October 30, 2023

Prof Yael Grushka-Cockayne, University of Virginia, USA

Title: Challenges of Combining Forecasts from Correlated Sources

Link to talk:


November 6, 2023

Prof Adam Elmachtoub, Columbia University, USA

Title: Smart Predict-then Optimize for Contextual Linear Optimization: Theory and Computation

Link to talk:


November 13, 2023

Prof Martin Schmidt, Trier University, Germany

Title: The Minimum Sum-of-Squares Clustering Problem: Robustification and Global Optimization Techniques

Link to talk:


November 20, 2023

Prof Emilia Gomez, Joint Research Centre, European Commission & Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain

Title: Scientific challenges, practical methodologies and policy perspectives for trustworthy AI

Link to talk:


November 27, 2023

Prof Jordi Castro, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain

Title: An interior-point solver for large structured optimization and (data science and alternative) applications

Link to talk:


December 4, 2023

Prof Bilge Atasoy, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Title: Adaptive Transport Systems through Operations Research, Behavioral Modeling and Machine Learning

Link to talk:


Looking forward to e-seeing you there!

The organizers of the Online Seminar Series Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization

Emilio Carrizosa, IMUS-Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sevilla

Nuria Gómez-Vargas, IMUS-Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sevilla

Thomas Halskov, Copenhagen Business School

Dolores Romero Morales, Copenhagen Business School